We are proponents of the "knowledge is power" mindset and are constantly furthering our knowledge of the hobby as a whole as well as husbandry practices for the animals we specialize in. We are all students and can never stop learning and critiquing our methods for the sake of our animals and our own common knowledge.
We are proponents of the "knowledge is power" mindset and are constantly furthering our knowledge of the hobby as a whole as well as husbandry practices for the animals we specialize in. We are all students and can never stop learning and critiquing our methods for the sake of our animals and our own common knowledge.
Book and Forum Recomendations
Even though it seems Facebook has taken over, there is incredibly useful information still to be found in books and forums! Here are some of our favorites:
Pythons of the World by David and Tracy Barker Ball Pythons: The History, Natural History, Care, and Breeding by David and Tracy Barker Reptile and Amphibian Variants by H. Bernard Bechtel The Complete Carpet Python by Nick Mutton and Justin Julander The Art of Keeping Snakes by Philippe de Vosjoli Reptile Medicine and Surgery by Mader Snakes: The Keeper and the Kept by Carl Kauffeld |
We would like to show recognition to USARK (United States Association of Reptile Keepers) They are a registered non-profit organization that continues to who fight daily to preserve and alleviate pressures that placed upon our rights as reptile keepers and hobbyists. To learn more about them, click on the banner to the left and help them continue to help us all do what we love!
Other Care Sheets
Like learning about different reptile species? Our friends over at Reptile Talk are working hard to provide the community with useful and helpful information through their publications and care sheets regarding various species of reptile. Be sure to check them out! |